Stay one step ahead with

The trusted source of native 

(undenatured) type II collagen

Get to know the collagen consumer 

Discover meaningful insights and tips to power up your next joint health innovation with our latest report: understand the factors shaping purchasing decisions; help consumers make more informed choices; and deliver truly standout products. 

Get your copy to stay abreast of this rapidly growing and dynamic market. 

Discover Collavant n2

Unlock your next mobility innovation

A next generation collagen for joint health

The mobility market is ripe for innovation. With abundant opportunities on the horizon, the emergence of novel ingredients, like next generation collagen, is inspiring new product development across the sector. 

Introducing Collavant n2 - Bioiberica’s trusted source of high quality, science backed native (undenatured) type II collagen. Collavant n2 supports joint health through a unique mechanism of action called Oral Tolerance – all at a convenient low dose of 40 mg/day. This next generation collagen is powering innovation across several appealing applications in the nutrition space– including gummies, sports powders and ready-to-drink shakes.


Endorsed by multiple

scientific studies.

Low dosage

Effective at only

40 mg/day and safe

for long-term use.

Natural origin molecule

Derived from natural

sources - characteristics

of the native protein

remain intact.

Full traceability

Sourced, developed

and manufactured

by Bioiberica.

Make your move into new delivery formats with Collavant n2

Explore innovation opportunities for appealing applications in the nutrition space.


Sports Powder

PasteurisedReady-to-drinkprotein shake

UHTReady-to-drink protein shake

Want to find out more?

Product information sheet

Talk to one of our experts

Ready to step into the future with Collavant n2? Discover how it can support your next 

innovation in the mobility market with our product information sheet.

Our experts are always on hand if you have any questions about our products, fill out 

our contact form and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or other competent food authorities. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is only for business-to-business use and not meant to be addressed to final consumers. Therefore, Bioiberica assumes no liability for the statements that the producer of the final product may include in its own publicity to consumers.

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